Liability & Insurance
Liability & Insurance provides information on concerns facing individuals, cities, operators, and other E-scooter stakeholders on their liability and insurance options.
Not quite a bike, a car, or a pedestrian means that practical choices regarding classification and coverage must be made when the inevitable happens and someone is hurt on a E-scooter or by an E-scooter. This section takes a look at what insurance might cover these unique vehicles of transportation and who might be liable.
- Current Law: Provides an overview and analysis of the current insurance framework and how it meshes with the shared E-scooter micro-mobility business model.
- Options: Insurance options seeks to inform persons about how insurance might be implemented in the future, future availability of coverage options and provides considerations for implementation of those options.
- User Mandates: Provides an overview of State and local government’s ability to mandate that users have third party liability insurance and how to approach such a mandate.
- Operator Mandates: Provides an overview of liability-specific requirements that cities may impose on operators as conditions of deploying units.
- Indemnification: Provides an analysis of the relationship between governments and private actors as they seek to allocate the risk of loss associated with E-scooter liability.